CTL Updates Week of December

Share your knowledge with your peers!

  • Offer a workshop to share something interesting with your fellow colleagues about your classroom or present information about the services your department provides to the college community. To facilitate a workshop fill out the Workshop Proposal Form.  For more information  contact the CTL at 708-974-5347 or ctl@morainevalley.edu.

Professional Development


  • Thursday, December 8th., 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm, Creating Inclusive Virtual Learning Environments for Deaf Students. This free webinar offers tips to take into consideration when designing online courses and virtual campus activities. Participants learn how to integrate accommodations into virtual learning environments as well as inclusive student engagement practices to help reduce or remove barriers. 

Webinars, Abstracts & Podcasts


  • Preparing an Inclusive Online Course – Learn inclusive strategies you can put into practice even before the first day of your online course to set the stage for creating a more equitable online learning environment.



  • Creating Connection to Improve Engagement, Retention and Well-Being. Jessica Gifford, Engagement & Retention in Higher Learning, In this podcast Jessica shares her insights and strategies for how institutions can focus on connection and community building to impact mental-health, student, faculty and staff retention and ultimately success. 





