Can We Help?

Let us know what we can do to assist you!  Contact us at: ctl@morainevalley.edu, (708) 974-5347 or visit us in L244.

ACUE presents How Great Teaching Drives Student Success and Elevates Your Institution, Monday, August 26 12:30 – 1:30 p.m.

In this webinar, you will learn how higher ed. institutions at all levels can become student and learning-centered. How active learning, inclusive teaching and engaging pedagogies build academic reputation, leading to enhanced student recruitment, achievement and post-completion success. And the role faculty professional development plays in ensuring reaching excellence. To register click here.

EDUCAUSE  – Showcase Webinar – AI Friend or Foe?, Tuesday, August 27, 11:00 – noon (Online)

Join this webinar to hear from institutional and industry leaders as we talk about the big issues around AI. Additional Resources: Check out the AI…Friend or Foe? Showcase once it launches on August 19 for additional resources. To register click here.

NISOD presents Beyond Conversation: An Action-Centered Approach to Diversity an Inclusion in the Classroom, Thursday, August 29, 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.

 This webinar highlights Madisonville Community College’s approach to DEI in the classroom, blended with a Student Learning Outcome (SLO) process and action research. Through this process, instructors from a wide range of disciplines (i.e., general education, technical programs, health programs) have incorporated DEI into the classroom in meaningful and measurable ways. To register for this webinar click here.



Professional Development Offerings – Fall 2024


Self-Care: Sleep CTLE-E129-547 8/26/2024; 11:00 – Noon; Online
Self-Care: Spiritual Awareness CTLE-E126-546 9/6/2024; Noon – 1:00 p.m., B132
Got Professional Development Questions? Here to answer your development questions CTLE-V210-530 9/12/2024; 11:00 – Noon; Online
Online Content: Tips and Tricks CTLE-I124-530 9/13/2024; 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m., Online
Self-Care Spiritual Awareness CTLE-E126-547 9/16/2024; Noon – 1:00 p.m., Online
AI in the Classroom CTLF-T158-531 9/25/2024; 3:30 – 4:15 p.m., Online
Self-Care: Cancer Awareness CTLE-E127-546 10/2/2024; Noon – 1:00 p.m., B132
Professional Q & A CTLE-V210-531 10/11/2024; 11:00 – Noon; Online
Self-Care: Cancer Awareness CTLE-E127-547 10/14/2024; Noon – 1:00 p.m.; Online
New Features in Canvas CTLF-C210-531 10/17/2024, 3:30 p.m. – 4:15 p.m., Online
Self-Care: Stress Awareness CTLE-E128-546 11/6/2024; Noon – 1:00 p.m., B132
Self-Care: Stress Awareness CTLE-E128-547 11/182024; Noon – 1:00 p.m., Online
Engaging Discussion Boards CTLF-I314-530 11/20/2024; 3:00 – 4:00 p.m., Online
Got Professional Development Questions? Here to answer your development questions CTLE-V210-532 11/25/2024; 11:00 – Noon, Online
Self-Care: Health Holidays CTLE-E130-546 12/4/2024; Noon – 1:00 p.m., B132

How to Register

To register for any of the CTL’s on-campus and online workshops, please log in to MVConnect, the College’s portal system. 

To View/Register for Non-Credit Courses for MVCC Employees (Guide: How to Register for Non-Credit Classes)

  1. Go to MVConnect > Self Service for Students > Registration/Payment (Non-Credit)
    1. Under the “Topic Code” area, select “MVCC Employees Only”, and click the “Search” button.
      • Please use course codes and titles to assist you in locating and registering for activities. 
  2. For each course, locate the section and click the “Select” button.
    1. Click the “Add Section” button.
  3. When ready to register, click the “Next” button.
    1. On the Additional Details screen, click the “Submit” button.
    2. On the Pay for Classes screen, click the “Register” button.
      • You will receive an email confirming your successful registration.

Other Helpful Resources