Can We Help?

Let us know what we can do to assist you!  Contact us at: ctl@morainevalley.edu, (708) 974-5347 or visit us in L244


ILCCO  – The recordings and handouts for the ILCCO Growing Online Learning Conference are now available at the conference site at https://conferences.ilcco.net/conf_info.php?type=conference&id=20


NISOD webinar, In Sync With Asynchronous Embedded Support: Strategies for Implementing Embedded Tutoring in Asynchronous Online Courses, Monday February 24 1:00 – 2:00 pm. Learn from a team of embedded tutors and faculty as they share the criteria they developed for selecting asynchronous courses for embedding tutors as well as some implementation strategies. As Moraine is a NISOD member, you can join this webinar free of charge. To register, click this link In Sync With Asynchronous Embedded Support











Professional Development Offerings – Spring 2025


MS TEAMS TRAINING VIDEOCONFERENCING CTLE-T237-511 Mar. 3, 11:00- 12:00 pm, L243, D. Walker
CREATING ACCESSIBLE ONLINE COURSES CTLF-I128-532 Mar. 12, 3:30 – 4:30 pm, Online, L. Haslam
MS TEAMS TRAINING VIDEOCONFERENCING CTLE-T237-512 Mar. 18, 10:00 – 11:00 am, L243, D. Walker
MS TEAMS TRAINING VIDEOCONFERENCING CTLE-T237-513 Mar. 18, 4:00 – 5:00 pm, L243, D. Walker
SELF-CARE: WORK-LIFE BALANCE CTLE-E125-546 Mar. 19, 2:00 – 3:00 pm, L244, D. Walker
MS TEAMS TRAINING VIDEOCONFERENCING CTLE-T237-514 Mar. 27, 2:00 – 3:00 pm, L243, D. Walker

How to Register

To register for any of the CTL’s on-campus and online workshops, please log in to MVConnect, the College’s portal system. 

To View/Register for Non-Credit Courses for MVCC Employees (Guide: How to Register for Non-Credit Classes)

  1. Go to MVConnect > Self Service for Students > Registration/Payment (Non-Credit)
    1. Under the “Topic Code” area, select “MVCC Employees Only”, and click the “Search” button.
      • Please use course codes and titles to assist you in locating and registering for activities. 
  2. For each course, locate the section and click the “Select” button.
    1. Click the “Add Section” button.
  3. When ready to register, click the “Next” button.
    1. On the Additional Details screen, click the “Submit” button.
    2. On the Pay for Classes screen, click the “Register” button.
      • You will receive an email confirming your successful registration.

Other Helpful Resources