March Madness: Student Retention through Communication – Challenge 3

March Madness: Student Retention through Communication Challenge

The Center for Teaching & Learning wants you to get into the spirit of March Madness, student retention style! Starting in March, we will post a challenge on Twitter and Facebook for you to conquer in your class that week related to communicating with your students. Be sure to comment on the weekly challenge post once you’ve completed the task! Complete the challenges (on the honor system) to earn bragging rights, have your name listed on the CTL Website as a Student Retention through Communication All Star, a chance to be featured in a guest post, and win some CTL swag! Let’s help all of our students be winners in our classes!

Are you up for the challenge?

Challenge 3: Reach out to students that are doing well!

You are over the mid-semester hump! This week, please reach out to students that are doing a great job, give them a kudos, and encourage them to keep up the good work! The message student who functionality in New Analytics will help you quickly identify these students so you can easily reach out. 

Don’t forget to comment on the weekly challenge post (on Twitter or Facebook) once you’ve completed the task! Remember to include #MoraineCTLRetentionChallenge