Dave Viar
Department Chair, Mechanical Technologies / Welding Program Coordinator
Video Link: https://morainevalley.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=3726cf32-5c67-4040-b2f2-ae4a0057f25f
Ballot Information
- Volunteered at the Teen Bridge Center to show welding and have the kids build a project and weld hands on.
- Worked with the MACS team for career events and high school career nights
- Voted in as Chicago American welding Society Chairman for a 3rd year in a row. (Very rare).
- Serve as current Deputy Director for American Welding Society District 13
- Hosted a golf outing that earned 20,000 dollars for student scholarships. and doing it again in May..
- Was featured in Chicago Crains magazine for diversity in welding.
- Assisted Morton College with construction of new welding lab and curriculum.
- Will lead high school welding competition at Evergreen Park high school and give 2, $1,000 dollar scholarships away.
- Currently hold a voting position for the American Welding Society D1.1 Structural Steel Qualification committee
- Placed multiple welding students into manufacturing jobs at local companies.
- Worked with Local 597 Pipefitters to place students into the apprenticeship.
- Taught classes for Local 27 Glazers Union at MVCC
- Taught welding processes class for AISC (American Institute for Steel Construction).
- Taught 2-week aerospace class for American Welding Society in Grudziadz Poland for Lockheed Martin.