All Day

Brain-Based Methods Improve Engagement, Motivation And Performance!


If you would like to improve student engagement, motivation and performance, this is the 'online' workshop for you! Thanks to strides in technology, 12 principles of student-centered, active brain-based methods founded in neuroscience are proven to trigger learning in engaging and exciting ways. Create memorable lessons in any area or subject! Explore brain-based: movement, five […]

FERPA Training


This workshop will be an overview of FERPA regulations and how they impact everyone's daily interactions with students.

Well, Almost “Everything” Recycling


Learn how to properly recycle on campus. Also, access resources to understand proper procedures at home. Finally, learn about how recycling happens; where does it go; what does it become; how much waste is actually recycled; and is it really that important to practice.

Need Accommodations?
Please submit accommodations requests through the CTL Contact Form, or call us at (708) 974-5347. Please provide a minimum of seven days’ notice.

For instructions on how to register for any of the CTL’s workshops, visit our Training Opportunities and Proposals page.