Diversity Equity & Inclusion Creating Better Pathways for Students of Color, this article from the American Association of Community Colleges, examines how colleges can assess and expand services and the need to create racially healthy campus cultures. To access this article click here. Live Webinar: NISOD presents Creating a Statewide network of Teaching and Learning Hubs, Thursday, February 15, 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. This webinar describes the creation of four regional Teaching and Learning Hubs in North Carolina designed to foster equitable student success through faculty-led communities of practice. To access this free webinar click here. CTL WORKSHOPS […]
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LIVE WEBINAR: NISOD presents Educator Trauma: Dangers Plaguing Educators In and Out of the Classroom, Monday, February 5, 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. The post pandemic return to the classroom by both teachers and students has brought a rise of challenges and dangers to educators. Educators at all levels have seen and report an increase of physical and mental abuse at their campuses by students, parents, and even other staff members. Join a candid conversation on the research surrounding this matter and what we can do to ensure the safety of everyone on our campuses. To attend this free event click […]