Can We Help? Let us know what we can do to assist you! Contact us at:, (708) 974-5347 or visit us in L244 NISOD webinar, The Power of Communication Connection, Thursday, March 6, 1:00 – 2:00 pm., Through activities meant to bring standard habits to the forefront and realize their impact on daily communication, this program highlights differences and insights to understanding yourself and those around you for effective communication. Just LEAD: Listen, Encourage, Ask Questions, and Deliver. To access this free webinar click here. ON-DEMAND Building and Implementing AI Tutors, Co-Teachers, and Multimedia in Your Courses, […]
Professional Development
Can We Help? Let us know what we can do to assist you! Contact us at:, (708) 974-5347 or visit us in L244 NISOD webinar, The Power of Communication Connection, Thursday, March 6, 1:00 – 2:00 pm., Through activities meant to bring standard habits to the forefront and realize their impact on daily communication, this program highlights differences and insights to understanding yourself and those around you for effective communication. Just LEAD: Listen, Encourage, Ask Questions, and Deliver. To access this free webinar click here. ON-DEMAND Building and Implementing AI Tutors, Co-Teachers, and Multimedia in Your Courses, […]
Can We Help? Let us know what we can do to assist you! Contact us at:, (708) 974-5347 or visit us in L244 ILCCO – The recordings and handouts for the ILCCO Growing Online Learning Conference are now available at the conference site at NISOD webinar, In Sync With Asynchronous Embedded Support: Strategies for Implementing Embedded Tutoring in Asynchronous Online Courses, Monday February 24 1:00 – 2:00 pm. Learn from a team of embedded tutors and faculty as they share the criteria they developed for selecting asynchronous courses for embedding tutors as well as some implementation strategies. As Moraine […]
Can We Help? Let us know what we can do to assist you! Contact us at:, (708) 974-5347 or visit us in L244 NISOD presents, “In Sync with Asynchronous Embedded Support: Strategies for Implementing Embedded Tutoring in Asynchronous Online Courses”, Monday February 24, 1:00 – 2:00 pm In this free webinar, you will learn from a team of embedded tutors and faculty as they share the criteria they developed for selecting asynchronous courses for embedding tutors as well as some implementation strategies. To register for this webinar click here. CTL WORKSHOPS Professional Development […]
Can We Help? Let us know what we can do to assist you! Contact us at:, (708) 974-5347 or visit us in L244 ON-DEMAND WEBINAR: Building Community in Online Classes This webinar shows Students’ learning is enhanced when they connect with their instructors — and their classmates. Creating this community looks different in an online classroom, but there is now good evidence on how to go about it. This on-demand webinar covers tactics other colleges have tried, what worked well and what did not, give actionable strategies for building community in online courses. To access […]