Professional Development

55 posts

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Supervisory Skills Series-Fall 2022

Supervisory Skills Series Program Overview The Supervisory Skills Series (S3) is designed to provide a variety of developmental opportunities, skills, and resources to all supervisors and aspiring supervisors at Moraine Valley Community College.  The Supervisory Skills Series is offered in a hybrid format which means there will be meetings held in-person and meetings conducted virtually on Webex. The series is comprised of seven (7) meetings: four (4) face-to-face and three (3) on Webex. Also, there will be five (5) online topics and assignments to be completed in Canvas, the college’s learning management system. These sessions will be led by an […]

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CTL Updates for May 9, 2022

Check this week’s post which highlights upcoming professional development related to affirmational pedagogy, Best Practices for Competency-Based Education, helping students prepare for finals week.