Share your knowledge with your peers!

  • Offer a workshop to share something interesting with your fellow colleagues about your classroom or present information about the services your department provides to the college community. To facilitate a workshop fill out the Workshop Proposal Form.  For more information  contact the CTL at 708-974-5347 or ctl@morainevalley.edu.

Professional Development

Ways to work on your professional development during the holidays

We have compiled some useful tips from various higher educational resources to help you strengthen your professional development while also enjoying the holidays. 

  • Listen to a podcast.  Creativity comes a lot of times when we’re relaxed and happy which makes vacation time a good moment to open your mind to new approaches to your teaching practice listening to podcasts are one way of doing that. They are convenient and can be listened to when you’re going to the supermarket or relaxing by the fireplace. 
  • Interact with the experts. Continue to view on-demand webinars. As you know, the internet contains a myriad of sites where you can find invaluable resources. For instance take a look at this webinar from Emerald Publishing, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education
  • Reflect. Vacation is a good time to look back on what’s happened during the year. Whether you want to improve your classroom management or help your students become more autonomous learners, take some time to start focusing and reflecting on these ideas for yourself and students. 



  • Thursday, January 12, 2023, 1:00 -2:00 p.m., Embracing the Issues of a Typical Student to Create a Welcoming Classroom, this webinar is directed at understanding the issues students face in a peri-post pandemic period. It aims to assist educators at all levels to create a welcoming and safe classroom for students in an effort to promote attendance, learning and self-awareness. 






