Mitch Baker: 2024 POY Finalist

Professor,  Psychology
Faculty Advisor, Psychology Club

Video Link: 

Ballot Information

Impact & Enrichment – College / Students

  • Faculty Development Committee
  • Founder/co-advisor of the student psychology club
  • Master Teacher/Educator nominee
  • Library panelist multiple times
  • Learning College Day volunteer
  • Staff Development Day volunteer
  • Former Liberal Arts executive committee representative
  • Mentor to new faculty multiple times
  • Presenter at NFO
  • Created Environmental Psychology curriculum that has been shared with other colleges and universities
  • Honors courses and committee member
  • National and regional conference presenter 
  • Hiring and tenure teams
  • Initial MQT/RIF committee member
  • Former psychology textbook reviewer

Community Service

  • Board member (and current program committee chair) at Thrive Community Mental Health Center in Oak Park
  • Moderated mental heath talks in the community
  • Coached boys/girls athletic teams
  • Volunteered, D97 school