
Leading with Impact: Crafting Your Leadership Story – Part 1 (CTLE-V203-560)

Online with Hybrid Mtgs.

Leading with Impact: A Skills Series is a three part series takes individuals through identifying who they are as leaders to building leadership portfolios and finally equipping them with a manager’s toolkit to help them as a supervisor at Moraine Valley Community College. This program is a strongly encouraged for all supervisors across the college. […]

MVLA: Language & Equality (CTLE-M228-530)


A introduction into linguistic theory to appreciate the power of language over our thoughts and reality; how our language choices reflect the world to our students, and how we can help our students use language in a way that is inclusive and effective.

Self-Care: Mental Health Awareness (CTLE-E123-546)


This session is in-person and is the eighth session in the self-care series hosted by the Wellness Coordinator and the Center for Teaching and Learning. May is Mental Health Awareness Month. We have experts present on mental health and provide advice on ways to become mentally mindful and healthy.

Need Accommodations?
Please submit accommodations requests through the CTL Contact Form, or call us at (708) 974-5347. Please provide a minimum of seven days’ notice.

For instructions on how to register for any of the CTL’s workshops, visit our Training Opportunities and Proposals page.