Collaborative International Online Learning (COIL)


Virtual exchange, also known as Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL), Globally Networked Learning, or Telecollaboration, is a way for faculty and students to work collaboratively with students in foreign colleges and universities on projects and assignments. During this session, examples of virtual exchanges as well as opportunities for transnational learning will be presented.


This workshop will be an overview of FERPA regulations and how they impact everyone's daily interactions with students.

Copyright For Instructors Made Simple


Copyright in nonprofit public education is flexible, but becomes troublesome when using digitized media and online distribution. Librarian Lee Semmerling will present an easy-to-understand overview of copyright in education. Strategies for making the best choices in using other people’s material and presenting your own copyrighted work.

MVLA: College 101 Beyond the Basics – Meeting 5


Delivering pedagogical strategies and insight for instructors seeking to learn how to teach College Introduction (COL-101) classes at Moraine Valley. The course will provide both new and seasoned instructors with ideas and guidance for facilitating assignments and class discussions related to the COL-101 course objectives.

New Budget Center Tutorial


This session is designed for anyone who views and manages department budgets and will cover how to access and use the new features of the updated Budget Center in MVConnect

MVLA: College 101 Beyond the Basics – Meeting 6


Delivering pedagogical strategies and insight for instructors seeking to learn how to teach College Introduction (COL-101) classes at Moraine Valley. The course will provide both new and seasoned instructors with ideas and guidance for facilitating assignments and class discussions related to the COL-101 course objectives.

Title IX Training

A122 , United States

Members of the Moraine Valley community have the right to be free from all forms of sexual discrimination, harassment and misconduct, examples of which include acts of sexual violence, sexual harassment, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. This session will give an overview of Moraine Valley’s comprehensive policy, including: reporting options, interim measures, investigation and […]



This course covers Cyber Security Awareness and why it applies to you. We will go over common attacks and methods the hackers use to compromise systems and networks. We will then go over the steps you can take to defend against cyber-attacks to stay safe online.

New Budget Center Tutorial

L244 , United States

This session is designed for anyone who views and manages department budgets and will cover how to access and use the new features of the updated Budget Center in MVConnect


This workshop will be an overview of FERPA regulations and how they impact everyone's daily interactions with students.

Need Accommodations?
Please submit accommodations requests through the CTL Contact Form, or call us at (708) 974-5347. Please provide a minimum of seven days’ notice.

For instructions on how to register for any of the CTL’s workshops, visit our Training Opportunities and Proposals page.