New Budget Center Tutorial

L244 , United States

This session is designed for anyone who views and manages department budgets and will cover how to access and use the new features of the updated Budget Center in MVConnect


This workshop will be an overview of FERPA regulations and how they impact everyone's daily interactions with students.

FY 21 Annual Budget Process


This session is designed for budget owners and will cover how to use Budget Developer to complete the FY 21 budget.

FY 21 Annual Budget Process


This session is designed for budget owners and will cover how to use Budget Developer to complete the FY 21 budget.

Canvas: Due Dates


This session will discuss the benefits of using due dates in Canvas and tips to manage dates from one semester to another.

Canvas: New Features


This workshop will showcase some of the new features in Canvas.

Student Engagement Techniques: No Tech Option

L244 , United States

Are you looking for strategies to engage your student that you can begin using immediately without technology? This workshop will focus on no tech options to engage your students including […]

Need Accommodations?
Please submit accommodations requests through the CTL Contact Form, or call us at (708) 974-5347. Please provide a minimum of seven days’ notice.

For instructions on how to register for any of the CTL’s workshops, visit our Training Opportunities and Proposals page.