The Digitial Commons Network provides completely free access to articles and research from many colleges and universities around the world.
Students sometimes confuse the Canvas inbox with your faculty email or their student email. The Inbox icon is in the green menu bar on the left. When there is a message, a number in a circle will appear in the corner of the Inbox icon. The number in the circle indicates the number of unviewed messages. The inbox within Canvas is a separate communications tool from either the student or faculty Moraine Valley email. If Canvas is left with default notification settings then Canvas should route inbox messages to your work email. Think of it this way: It is NOT […]
UTF-8 Icons provides an easy to access way of adding text-based icons to any web-based content.
For Panopto web app on the captions edit screen simply click the pencil icon and you can edit the line of closed caption.
Create simple animated screen captures to share.