After you add an image to a course you are not done yet. You can add an image to your course then you need to edit the ‘Alt Text’ tag so it is done right. The Alt Text should describe the image and the importance of the image in context to how it is used in your course. So a banner image could simply say “Banner image Canvas at Moraine Valley.” When an image is used in an assessment the alt text needs to give enough detail so that the student using a screen reader or other aid has the same […]
One of the best ways to keep up with news, trends, and general information is with a feed reader. Feed readers pick up the RSS feed from a website and place it into an easy to read format, much like flipping through a newspaper. Feedly Feedly is one of the better feed readers available on the web. Feedly has the ability to be read through a web browser, or through its app for Android and iPhone/iPad. Feedly’s interface is fairly simple. The interface allows for an easy method of searching for possible fields, making it possible to add news feeds […]
Moraine Valley Community College is a proud member of the National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD). As a member, we have access to NISOD’s webinar series, including both live and archived webinars. Register today for Teaching Techniques: Beyond Lectures on Wednesday, October 18, 2017 from 1-2 pm central time.
Page History: Looking to undo a mistake you made to a page in Canvas? Did you know you can view a page history and restore to an earlier version by clicking the page settings gear? See the Page History guide for more information. Undelete: Did you accidentally delete an item from your course and want to restore it? Add the text “/undelete” to the end of your website address for a list of items that can be restored. This list doesn’t last forever, so the faster you can “undelete” the better! More Tips and Tricks? Looking for even more Canvas […]
I heard your question as “How do I manage all these courses?” rather than just “How do I delete those that I don’t want”. You can delete the master manually created courses that you create. Dashboard Organization Which courses display on your Dashboard when you log in can be managed by clicking the ‘Courses’ icon then selecting ‘All Courses’. The stars on the left are the way you select which courses you want to see when you log in on the Dashboard. This example “A New Course” will be on the Dashboard and “AA test course shell” will not be […]