Training Registration

To register for any of the CTL’s upcoming professional development workshops, please use the “Search, Register, and Pay for Non-Credit Classes” section of MVConnect, the College’s portal system that allows you to sign up for workshops at any time. Additional information on using MVConnect to search, register, or drop sessions can be found in the Professional Development Training Guide.
MVConnect contains the most up-to-date information regarding workshop sessions. Please use course codes and titles to assist you in locating and registering for activities. You will receive an email confirming your successful registration.
Important Note: If you do not receive an email, your registration was not successfully completed.
Early registration for sessions that you plan to attend is appreciated; workshops with low enrollment are canceled two days before they are scheduled to occur. In the event of a cancellation, you will receive an email notification. Also, if you are unable to attend a session, we appreciate the courtesy of dropping the session at least two days prior to its occurrence.
If you need any assistance or have any questions, please contact the Center for Teaching and Learning at (708) 974-5347.
Workshop Proposals
Want to teach a CTL workshop? Have an idea or initiative that you want to develop and bring to the college? Is there something you are passionate about that could benefit the college? Please use the following link to submit your proposal: Workshop Proposal Form.
Please Note: To allow for processing, please submit your proposals no later than two weeks prior to your proposed session date.
We look forward to considering your suggestions! If you have any questions, contact the CTL.