EAB has created an infographic about tactics for effective emails. A series of tips for sending email, email content, and email timing, the infographic’s ideas are applicable to instructors, presenters, trainers, and leaders of all different types. Check it out on EAB’s website – Timeless tactics for effective emails
Did you know it’s possible to delay or schedule an email in Microsoft Outlook? Emails can be set up to go out on a specific time or day. It’s even possible to delay sending all emails for a bit of time. Microsoft provides a wonder resource with information on how to delay or schedule sending email messages. The feature works in Office 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, and 365. Check it out! Delay or schedule sending email messages – Microsoft Office support.
As a class progresses across a semester, it’s important to keep lines of communication open between students and instructors.
Students sometimes confuse the Canvas inbox with your faculty email or their student email. The Inbox icon is in the green menu bar on the left. When there is a message, a number in a circle will appear in the corner of the Inbox icon. The number in the circle indicates the number of unviewed messages. The inbox within Canvas is a separate communications tool from either the student or faculty Moraine Valley email. If Canvas is left with default notification settings then Canvas should route inbox messages to your work email. Think of it this way: It is NOT […]