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Are you looking for high quality royalty free stock photos and videos?  Pixabay has over 1.4 million available.

New Staff Welcome Reception Logo

New Staff Welcome Reception – 5/23/18

You are invited to the next New Staff Welcome Reception! Come meet and mingle with Moraine Valley’s newest staff members from across campus. The event is informal; no formal remarks will be given. Small desserts and refreshments will be served. Date: Wednesday, May 23, 2018 Time: 3:30-5:00 p.m. Location: Building L Atrium For questions contact Matthew Piper, manager of Staff Training and Development, at x5553. We hope to see you there! The Center for Teaching and Learning

TimelineJS Graphic Identifier


TimelineJS is an easy-to-use tool for designing beautiful interactive timelines.

Featured Image for Open Resources

VALUE Rubric Development Project

The VALUE Rubric Development Project, created by the American Association of Colleges & Universities, contains a series of rubric applicable in a higher education setting.