
14 posts

Got Professional Development Questions? Here to answer your development questions (CTLE-V210-530)

This is a time for anyone to stop in and ask questions of the Coordinator of Employee Training and Development. This includes, but is not limited to, questions about or related to leadership, supervisory, soft skills, and technology. Please note that any faculty that has Canvas-related questions should reach out to the Center for Teaching and Learning directly or attend a Canvas-specific session.

Building a Quality Syllabus in 2024 (CTLF-I315-530)

A well-designed syllabus is more than just a document; it’s a roadmap that guides both instructors and learners through a meaningful and impactful educational journey. During this session, we will review current best practices and define what is needed in a quality syllabus.

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CTL Welcomes New Staff

Please join The CTL in welcoming its newest members, Laura and Deidre, to the team! To learn more about them, visit our About Us page.